A locksmith can replace and upgrade your home’s locks, the most common reasons why new locks need to be fitted include moving into a new home, current locks insufficient for insurance reasons, lost keys, or the existing lock is worn or faulty.
So a good locksmith can be of great assistance, especially if you find yourself locked out. But finding a good locksmith is not easy, there is no government licensing of locksmiths in the UK, so anyone can advertise as a locksmith!
So it is essential that you only deal with reputable and professional locksmiths that are vetted, inspected & background checked, the easiest way to do this is to use only MLA (Master Locksmiths Association)locksmiths.
The average cost of getting your locks changed is between £100-£150 for replacing a standard deadlock including materials and labour. The price to replace a Yale lock cylinder is usually around £120.
Additional Costs
If you’re looking to change or update your locks for enhanced security after a break-in or scare, then there are a few other jobs that you may want to consider whilst you have a tradesman on site.
Whilst they’re assessing your home, it’s worth asking if they don’t mind checking the rest of your door locks to ensure you don’t need any potential repair or replacements on them.
You may need to install a new lock on a whole new door, the cost to install and replace a new front door is usually around £1000, depending on style, materials and quality. A general update and improvement on your home security can add an extra £500 to your budget.
If you’re looking to install a brand new CCTV system, prices range from £500-£1200 as there are lots of different models and quality technology to choose from.
Secure everything and make sure it looks good by having a decorator reseal windows and doors, which can cost as little as £50.
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